Achieve Smooth and Glowing Skin With Dermaplaning

Dermaplaning is a simple and effective facial exfoliation treatment. It involves using a sharp 10-inch surgical scalpel, wielded by an esthetician who knows what they are doing, to scrape the skin in light and feathering strokes gently.

Although this sounds intimidating, the treatment is safe and virtually painless. It also helps your skincare products work better by removing any barrier on the surface of your skin.

Softening of Lines and Wrinkles

There comes a time in every skincare routine when you start to feel like your products need to give you the desired results. The solution may seem obvious: try a new product, or switch out your usual regimen for a more intensive treatment.

Dermaplaning Virginia Beach is a process that involves removing the top layer of dead skin cells, along with the fine facial hairs known as peach fuzz. This is done using an electric device called a dermatome, which is shaped to look similar to an electric razor.

The device then moves over the skin’s surface, gliding over your facial contours in short strokes. Removing dead skin and fine hairs will leave your face feeling softer and smoother and should also reduce the appearance of lines and wrinkles. It can even help to reduce hyperpigmentation (the dark spots that sometimes appear on the skin) and uneven skin tone.

Removing Clogged Pores

The fine vellus hairs on the face can make makeup application more difficult, especially with powder and foundation. They also appear darker once makeup is applied, so removing them with dermaplaning can help you achieve a more even and smooth complexion.

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While dermaplaning might sound intimidating because of the blade moving across the skin, it is painless if done by an experienced professional. Before the procedure begins, a numbing cream or spray is usually used.

Unlike shaving, dermaplaning is a safe treatment for all skin types. However, it is not recommended for people with very sensitive skin and should be avoided by anyone who has recently had a sunburn. In addition, it is unsuitable for those using isotretinoin (Accutane) or similar acne medications. People with cold sores should also avoid dermaplaning, which can reactivate their outbreaks. It is also not recommended for those with rosacea, as it can worsen the condition.

Reducing the Appearance of Fine Lines and Wrinkles

Dermaplaning can be a safe and simple procedure. However, it is only recommended to be performed by professionals. After treatment, some people may experience a temporary lightening of the skin or a change in tone. This can be treated by using sunscreen and a mild moisturizer.

As the skin ages and loses elasticity, fine lines and wrinkles appear. Dermaplaning helps reduce wrinkles and fine lines by removing dead skin cells. This allows the skincare products to penetrate better into the skin, increasing their efficacy and speeding healing.

Dermaplaning can be done monthly or six weeks to keep the face clear of excess oil and vellus hair and reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. This is a great way to make the skin appear more radiant and youthful, especially before holiday photos! It can also be paired with micro-needling and other cosmetic treatments for facial rejuvenation.

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Removing Dead Skin Cells

Aside from removing fine vellus hairs (aka peach fuzz) on the face, dermaplaning also removes dead skin cells to give your skin that radiant glow. It is a great alternative to chemical exfoliants, especially for people with sensitive skin or who are pregnant.

The only thing to note is that dermaplaning may result in small nicks and cuts on the skin, but these are typically minor and will heal quickly with minimal scarring. It is best to avoid dermaplaning while you have sunburn, active acne, rosacea breakouts or inflammatory skin conditions like eczema.

Those whom regularly derma plane claim their skin feels softer, smoother and dewier. It is also an excellent treatment for those who struggle with clogged pores, uneven skin texture or mild acne scarring because it stimulates collagen production and helps to smooth out skin tone . However, this procedure should not be used on patients taking antibiotics or having a history of keloid scarring.