How Gutter Guards Work

Gutters are a vital part of the home but can become a hassle when clogged with leaves and other debris. In addition, they prevent water from draining properly and can damage the foundation of your house.

Gutter guards can avoid this problem and prevent costly repairs down the road. But how do they work?

Prevent Debris Buildup

Gutter guards help prevent debris buildup by funneling rainwater through the gutters and preventing it from falling down the sides of your roof. They also prevent clogs and ice dams from developing, reducing the risk of damage to your home.

They can also protect your home from water leaks and mold growth by preventing the accumulation of dirt and other soil particles in your gutters. Unfortunately, these factors can cause drywall and other materials to rot and cause severe damage to your property.

The type of gutter guard you choose depends on your climate and the trees in your yard. Some are better at handling heavy rain and smaller debris, while others are prone to clogging and require maintenance.

Brush gutter guards resemble giant pipe cleaners with stiff bristles that fit inside your existing gutters to prevent more oversized items from entering and forming clogs. Gutter guards Salem can also keep rodents from nesting in your gutters. However, small debris, such as twigs and pine needles, can still get through these brushes, leading to debris dams in your gutters.

Prevent Ice Dams

Ice dams are formed when melting snow on the roof refreezes and blocks the flow of water down to the gutters. They can cause significant harm to your home if not removed soon.

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They can also cause icicles to form that hang from your gutters and add to the risk of a house fire. To prevent ice dams, ensure your roof is adequately insulated and ventilated.

Many homeowners find that their homes need a roof rake and push broom to keep the snow off their roof lines before it begins to freeze. It may be a significant investment in your home’s safety and save you money on your energy bill throughout the winter.

Heated gutter guards are also a valuable solution to preventing ice dams from forming. They are designed to work with an existing gutter system to prevent ice from forming along your roof line.

Prevent Fires

When gutters get clogged with debris, they block water flow, leading to flooding and other problems. These issues can also contribute to fires, causing them to spread quickly and destroy homes.

Moreover, they can also be a breeding ground for pests such as rodents and squirrels. These pests can cause damage to your roof shingles, insulation, and other structures around the home.

A simple solution to preventing these types of fires is installing a gutter guard system that prevents debris buildup. It saves you from lugging out a ladder once a year to clean your gutters and helps lessen the risk of wildfires, which can destroy your home.

When a wildfire rages, embers can travel with the wind and land in a gutter filled with dry leaves or pine needles that may set a home on fire. However, a metal gutter guard mitigates this threat and stops these embers from setting the house on fire.

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Prevent Water Damage

Gutters clogged with leaves, twigs, and other debris can cause water damage to your home. This damage can include leaking roofs, damaged walls and foundations, and even rotted siding.

It is why a lot of homeowners are turning to gutter guards. They are designed to prevent these problems by preventing clogs from occurring when a gutter is full of leaves, twigs, and other debris.

Besides preventing clogs, gutter guards also help to protect your home from water damage. When gutters are clogged, water will back up and overflow from the gutters, causing damage to your home’s foundation or even a leaky basement or crawlspace.

Furthermore, blocked gutters can cause ice dams to form in the winter. It happens when the snow on your roof melts, flows down to your gutters, and then refreezes. Luckily, gutter guards can help to prevent clogs so that melted snow can properly drain from your gutters instead of refreezing and damaging your home.