Feng Shui Tips to Increase Positive Energy in Your Home

If you’re searching for ways to increase the positive energy in your home, you’ve come to the right place. This article offers seven tips to help you do just that.


The art of Feng Shui is the practice of promoting positive energy in your home and surroundings. It’s also about minimizing the negative. This means clearing the clutter.

Clearing clutter can be a challenging task. It can take weeks or even months to do it right. However, there are some things you can do to make it less painful.

The first thing you should do is decide what you want to declutter. Some suggest clearing the entire home, but there are more effective ways. Instead, focus on a few areas at a time.

The first step is to get rid of broken, unfinished, or excess things. These items do not contribute to the overall positive vibe of your home. Also, avoid storing damaged items. Broken things symbolize failure and attract negativity.

Other ways to declutter include storing items in a special place. In addition, you can try some essential oils. For instance, orange and rose blends are known to infuse joy. You can purchase these oils at most health food stores.

Create Space

The feng shui services can help you spruce up your home and increase the positive energy in your life. It can also help make your home a healthy environment for you and your family. The ancient Chinese tradition of feng shui uses various methods to create a healthy environment. Among the tips are keeping your home clean, removing clutter, and using essential oils.

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Keeping your front entry free of debris and clutter is one of the most important feng shui tips. Often, people neglect this space, but it is a gateway to the universe. Clearing out the area creates a place for energy to gather.

Another feng shui tip is to remove dead plants from your home. Plants are important for feng shui because they bring freshness, vitality, and happiness. They can also help transform stagnant energy.

Keeping your bathroom clean and shutting the toilet door is another important feng shui tip. Toilet leaks are a major source of negative energy. You can use a natural fence to keep pollutants and noise away from your home.

Color Scheme

When it comes to color schemes, a well-chosen color scheme can do wonders for your overall well-being. As such, a color scheme that is a tad more complex than a single hue will likely give you more bang for your buck. One suggestion is to avoid using the same color on all walls. A small dose of the same color in an accent area can create a nice symmetry. If you’re looking to up the ante, consider adding an occasional smattering of a different color.

The trick is choosing a color scheme that complements your personality. For example, if you’re a slacker at work, a slightly more formal color scheme will go a long way in making you feel like you’re in a classy hotel. Alternatively, if you’re more of a homebody, a more informal color scheme will be more conducive to your mood. Consider a telegraph or a color wheel to find the perfect color scheme.

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Commanding Position

Having a commanding position in Feng Shui is important to ensure a positive energy flow in your home. This is especially true if you are in a bedroom. The bed is one of the most important pieces of furniture in a bedroom. So it would help if you had your bed in the right position.

The ideal bed placement in feng shui is diagonal from the door. If your bed is too close to the door, this can disturb the balance of the energy in your room. You should also ensure that the head of your bed is not against a window. Another way to circulate energy is to clear the space underneath your bed. A headboard, in particular, is important because it provides support.

The bed is also important because it represents the owner of the house. Therefore, it is important that it is placed in a location where the owner can see the door. However, it would help if you never had the bed directly in front of the door.